Saturday, May 14, 2011

Card Table Dinners: Aritchoke, Red Pepper,and Goat Cheese Breakfast Casserole

Wow, that's a long title.

Anyways, I made this amazing casserole this morning and just had to share.

  • Artichokes (I used frozen and simply popped them in the microwave for a few minutes)
  • Diced Roasted Red Peppers (From a jar. A staple in our house)
  • Shredded white cheese (I used Mozzarella Veggie Shreds)
  • Crumbled Goat Cheese
  • 4 Eggs/Milk
Preheat the oven to 350 degrees. I sprayed a 6.5 by 7" casserole dish with cooking oil. It was only me and Jon, so it was plenty big. Use more eggs if using a bigger a dish. While the artichokes were thawing in the microwave, I scrambled my four eggs with a little bit of milk. I also added some Organic All Purpose seasoning to bump up the flavor.

Once the artichokes are thawed, layer them on the bottom forming a 'crust'.

Then sprinkle a thin layer of your 'white cheese'. Follow with your diced roasted red peppers and then the goat cheese. Finally, evenly pour your egg mixture on top. I completely forgot to take pics after laying down the artichokes. My apologies. It totally just slipped my mind, so no photo until after we had already eaten most of it.

Bake it in the oven for about 50 minutes. Its done when the eggs have completely set and you can pull the fork out cleanly. Below is a picture of the leftovers that I am looking forward to reheating in the oven tomorrow morning. Other additions that would taste amazing in this dish: green onion, sweet onion, garlic, asparagus, spinach, and/or bacon.


  1. This last piece was even better the next day.

  2. I didn't even notice that you ate it. I was going to have it this morning for breakfast. Luckily I overslept and didn't have time to make it. Glad you enjoyed it because we will definitely be having it again.
